Aug 302004

Sleep. Sleeeep. Sleeeeeeeeeep! When will I ever get any? I now see just how much I over-commited myself doing this wedding and the side job I’m now smack-dab in the middle of. The client is pissed off ’cause all his customer information was tied into Quickbooks that is now sitting in a hard drive on a shelf in my shop. I’ve got so many problems getting Server 2003 working that I’m not ready to deliver the server so I’ve got to get a workstation to him in the next couple of days so he can continue contacting customers but I don’t know if I can get Quickbooks running on that box in a standalone format. He also hasn’t provided the CD’s for the network version of QB he claims to be using! Even his accountant has verified the software he SHOULD have but I haven’t seen it.

I’m really starting to stress out about this and am afraid I made a big mistake taking on all this work without considering if I am ready to carry it out in a decent amount of time. Candi is suggesting that I think about if I want to even finish the job! She may be right. I hope not though. It would mean losing a lot of money and time for nothing. God I hope she’s wrong -not that she is that often!