Nov 032004

Well I have to admint that I’m rather surprised at the election results. Considering the fact that there was a massive push to get people out to vote that didn’t in the last election. My thought here is that most of the people that didn’t vote last time just didn’t care to know about the people or the issues. It also meant that they were probably not “qualified” to make an educated vote. SHOULD they have voted? Not in my book. Just as I feel that if you’re on welfare, you shouldn’t have the right to vote as it would be a “conflict of interest” as you’d nearly always vote for a “pay raise”! Suffice it to say that I just don’t feel that EVERYONE is qualified to vote. Maybe some sort of IQ test or something…

Considering all that was against the Bush campaign from Moore’s “propagandamentry”, the vastly biased mainstream media, the Hollywood actors and big shot musicians. Even the swiftboat people got slammed by the media when they attempted to bad-mouth Kerry. With all that standing against you, he still won. I think that’s noteworthy.

…Not to mention the embarrasingly poor performance of the Republican Party and the incumbant Bush! The debates were an embarrasement for me to watch. >>I<< could have come up with better responses to Kerry and the questions that George did. That pisses me off. Why wasn't he more prepared?! I have to say that I'm not very happy with how the Republican Party has conducted themselves in the past decade. I'm becomming more and more angry at both sides for their own earned problems. The Liberal Dem's only appeal to the emotional side of things and don't really understand the value of capitalism. They yearn for a psudo-socialist government like most of Europe yet don't see that America is successful due to the fact that we AREN'T like them! My good 'ole Republicans have lost all sense of direction and are looking more and more like the Dem's. They don't know how to fight or even stand up for their beliefs -nor will they take the time or effort to educate people about how the world really works. --And who is dealing with illegal immigration in CA? NO ONE!!!