Nov 042010
This year’s Halloween celebration was a rather special one for me. I actually wasn’t DJ-ing the event for the first time in many years! I was truly able to enjoy this year’s Trunk-or-Treat party at the Antelope Valley Church. Candi and I decided on a whim to be a “flower and bee” couple this year. The inspiration was Mom’s flower pillow gift from last year’s Christmas –thanks Mom!! Enjoy the pics…
- First showing of my costume completely assembled!
- Posing with one of my favorite redhead girls!
- Me and Steve Brooks. Quite a pair!!
- Me with Ms. Pickett. Doesn’t she just melt your heart?!
- My awesome wife working at the face painting table. Such a trooper!!
- My first face painting. I think I was bored or something!!
- The finished product…
- Some of us posing towards the end of the night…