Feb 182005

Well, my employer went ahead and got me business cards printed. The last two times I’ve had business cards printed for me by an employer, I was soon to lose my job! Of course in this case, I may soon be quitting instead of being fired or laid off. This is quite an interesting time for me. I’m rapidly changing my outlook on having a normal “9-5” job. And although I’m more of an “engineering-type” personality rather than a “business man”, I’ve been experiencing a change in my thinking as of late and I now believe I >>CAN<< become a business man if I work at it.

Ever since I was 15 I’ve been having ideas for businesses and inventions that used to frustrate me terribly. This was mostly due to the fact that no one was that interested in listening to some punk kid’s ideas. Where was the experience? Where is the reputation? I always believed that the idea or concept should be able to stand on it’s own but I quickly realized that that wasn’t going to happen.

Well 20 years have gone by and I’d like to think that I’ve become somewhat wiser -and I’m no longer alone in my quest. And over the past couple of months it’s looking like one of my ideas may actually come to be!