Oct 062004

That what it feels like today. At least I’m doing a lot better healthwise. Last night I blew some of the most disgusting junk out of my nose. I slept for the first time in days breathing out of my nose. It was just incredible! I may not even need those prescriptions after all. …I always wonder that when times like this happen to me: “what do these prescriptions and the like really do for me?” I got better all on my own. I haven’t done anything other than a lot of rest and self-medication from over-the-counter stuff for the symptoms (and so I could sleep -or jus exist). I may manage to kick this bug without any help from the doctor at all. What am I paying him for? Should I still take those antibiotics? I haven’t even started them yet. Will I go see a doctor again in the future if this happens again? Only if the symptoms are more severe. Maybe I’m just being too much of a wuss! Oh I just don’t know.

The debates are just as frustrating as most other political things these days. No one really stands up and give me a reason to cheer on the Republican side. I think Dave said it best when he helped me see that they are simply not “street fighters”. It just seems like even I have better answers (and more direct) than they do in these debates. What’s so wrong with being direct? Wouldn’t that be like a breath of fresh air to the voters? Why isn’t there a man I can stand behind and get excited about in government like I used to? Maybe I need to step up and start serving the public myself if anything is going to get done… Who knows…

I’m going to bed earlier and doing the dishes too! I think Candi’s pretty happy about that. It feels good to me too. Last night I didn’t feel like eating dinner so I didn’t. I think this sickness has taken a lot out of my appetite but I think there have been many days that I didn’t FEEL like eating but I ate anyways -just because it was the time normally set aside for eating regurarly. I think I’m going start listening to my own body a bit more. I HAVE been eating too much and it’s time to stop. Pray I keep my word this time! Now that the weather is starting to cool off, I’m planning on walking again for my lunch hour here in Van Nuys.

…Only a week before Hawii!!!!