Jul 262006

Well we finally got another cat in the family. This one looks like a fighter too! Even after Candi and I decided on NOT getting any more cats, this one just seems to jump up on us and we couldn’t say no…

Candi wanted to name her “Tinkerbell” but I didn’t like a BLACK cat with that name so we decided on “Vidia” after one of the new Disney Fairies…

Story goes that the mother was a stray that had a litter and then vanished. We don’t know if a coyote got her or what but it looks like most of her litter didn’t survive without her. A friend of ours found this little one just as their dog did. The dog grabed her and gave her a real good shake before being rescued. We saw right away that there were at least some broken bones in one of her front legs and one of her rear legs. A trip to the vet confirmed this. She had two fractures on her front right leg and two fractures on her rear left leg. It looks like the fractures were really due to malnutrition more than anything else. All we could do for her was to keep her in a cage so she can’t move around while the bones heal –and heal they did! Now she’s running all over the house! We are planning to get a cat tracker device for this kitten. If you also want a device tracking your missing cat, you can check this article from https://householdpets.co.uk/best-gps-cat-tracker-uk/.

Here she is when we were still feeding her kitten formula.

One of her first baths. She was really filthy from living “out of doors”!

The “kitten burrito” treatment while she dries.

And now all healthy! She doubled in weight in just the first 2 weeks we had her. She didn’t even weight 1 pound at first.