Sep 142004

OMG am I a happy camper! My house is closed up to the outside dust and bugs, my computers and nice and cool now, I can run my $700 air purifier and know that it will stay clean! Life is good. Now everything is sooo quite at home ’cause there isn’t a bunch of fans […]

Sep 132004

“Everything I’ve Known” Away, I see it’s going downToday, Hoping in time,Will bury all this painAnd will awake something inside We pushed our buttons far inside We tear our hearts outthen we fight Hey, I know, feels like I lost everythingThat I’ve known, I cannot survive aloneIt feels like I lost everything that I’ve known […]

Sep 132004

I just called and verified that my AC is now up and working! Two winters without a furnace and one hellish summer without any sort of cooling other than a few fans and open windows. God I can’t wait to go home!!! It’s been a long road and it’s finally over. Still I’m in a […]

Sep 102004

Well my airconditioning is getting installed today! Yayyyyy!! I’ve spend the entire summer with NO cooling of any kind other than some fans –Booo! Finally their coming out to do the deed and I’m so excited. I just hope my job doesn’t can me for not coming in two days in a row (although I […]

Sep 082004

The three day weekend wasn’t that helpful. It just meant more things to try and get done before going back to work. Did manage to get SOME stuff done. The new regrigerator is now set back in place where it belongs -after much cutting and cussing. I’ve got at least one workstation built and tested […]

Aug 312004

I talked things through with Candi and did a lot of thinking about the situation with this side business I’m trying to pull off and I think I’m going to have a talk with the client tonight and see what they’re willing to put up with to save a buck or two. I mean I […]

Aug 302004

Sleep. Sleeeep. Sleeeeeeeeeep! When will I ever get any? I now see just how much I over-commited myself doing this wedding and the side job I’m now smack-dab in the middle of. The client is pissed off ’cause all his customer information was tied into Quickbooks that is now sitting in a hard drive on […]

Aug 272004

With about 6 hours sleep in the last 3 days, I managed to get a full day’s work in and then manage the wedding rehearsal tonight. I even survived the rehearsal dinner (all for the free food). It’s really pathetic what I’ll do for free food. I’m definitely going to do a lot of sleeping […]

Aug 272004

Why do I never get any? About 2 hours last night. I’m never doing another wedding when they don’t get the schedule and song list until the last couple of days beforehand. If I don’t get the list at least a week out, I’m not doing it! Thank God I have a laptop now so […]

Aug 252004

Well I think I only got about 2-3 hours sleep last night. Late to work again. At least I went and got replacemet tires for the car and made that the excuse. I think I’m not even going to stay late tonight as I just don’t think there’s anything else left to give. Tried that […]

Aug 242004

Managed to stay late at work last night and didn’t get into town ’till 8pm. Just in time for the end of my leaders group meeting. I managed to stay back after Candi went home so I could talk with Lathan about how life is going. He managed to talk me into working on his […]

Aug 232004

Not much sleeping and lots of working -and it doesn’t even seem like we got a lot done! We got our new cell phones, new security doors (that I need to get a special tool to install), our referigerator arrived from Lowe’s and had that installed, and we got new door knobs for the security […]

Aug 192004

I don’t know why I don’t go to bed at a regular time… Well maybe I do. But I just can’t do it. I am struggling to stay awake this afternoon and I still have to write an estimate for tonight on the way home and be a good and serving husband for my wife. […]

Aug 192004

Woke up late again this morning. I think that the cold does it for me. I sould program a thermostat to warm up my bedroom 30min before I need to wake up just so I don’t have a chill. Or maybe I just need to be disciplined and not so self-serving! Traffic actually wasn’t that […]

Aug 182004

I don’t know if I’m going to have the time to keep this up to date but I’m sure going to try. I can manage to get so busy that whole weeks will fly by and I didn’t even notice. Still haven’t done a lot of customizations to the layout but I plan to in […]

Jan 251995
About Panoramic Photography

I specialize in panoramic photography –taking shots that simply are not possible with standard cameras. This is usually due to space constraints such as not enough distance within a confined space to fully capture the desired image with a single shot. I could obtain these shots with a DSLR camera with a fisheye lens but […]

Jan 201995
Jon's Workshop

Jon’s Workshop This was one of my first large-scale tests to prove I can create panoramic fisheye-lens photos from multiple images within an extremely confined space. In this example, I placed the camera on a tripod at the corner of the room (by the door) and collected 3 passes of 9 shots for this image. […]

Mar 241970
Design Flow Diagram

**BEFORE** –click for larger image– Here I was given an existing flow diagram as created by the original design engineer. The issue at hand was the fact that this design needed to be presented to investors that had a less technical background. There was a need to create the same illustration / diagram in a […]