Oct 272009
Fun at Disney...

All I have to say is: my wife loves me!! So, for $10, I lost a full 30 years of maturity over a silly plastic light saber!!

Jul 172009
Amusing Ourselves To Death...

I’m not one to normally post links like this but I feel it’s worth it… I found this brief pictorial commentary to be quite thought provoking… You can read the entire comic here –well worth the 2 minuets!!

Jul 132009
Vidia and Boomer

Vidia has been with us for a couple of years now (the fluffy one). Some crazy lady walked into my wife’s job last last years and asked if anyone wanted a kitten. Candi asked where the cat was and almost on queue the little bugger popped his head out from the lady’s purse… The rest, […]

Jul 092009
I met Steve Gibson!!

I’m such a dork! I used to laugh at those little school girls that would go all crazy for the Jonas Brothers when they saw them –but I’m just the same way! I’m reminded of a great Intel Commercial when I ran into the opportunity to personally meet Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation, the […]

Apr 082009

Well, we weren’t planning on remodeling our front bathroom and kitchen THIS WEEK but a dead cat in the walls will definitely get your motivation going!!

Jan 062009

Laurie Anderson may be an “acquired taste” to many. I was introduced to her strange, musical poetry at a relatively young age. “Tightrope” has got to be one of her most memorable compositions to me. The lyrics (and I don’t normally even listen to lyrics) really put me in a reflective place… Last night I […]

Sep 102008
Dental Surgery Fun...

Well if this image isn’t enough to motivate someone to brush and floss regularly I don’t know what will. Yesterday I had 4 teeth removed in one sitting (including one wisdom tooth). I left so much of a hole in my mouth that they needed an artificial bone graft for my lower jaw. Now I’ve […]

May 162008
Kujo Mama Kitten Progress...

Well the kittens have been almost 1 week away from “Kujo Mama” and seem to be warming up to humans (which is a relief to us all). They spend a majority of the day in their cage but come out at least twice daily to romp around the living room, harass our other two cats, […]

May 052008

So this past weekend I was able to capture my rendition of the musical genius Heywood Banks and his amazing song “Yeah Toast” while performing at a writers conference in my town. I’ve only done it three times now but it seems to make an impression on those that watch it for years to come… […]

May 022008

Well, now that the kittens are starting to stumble around the room, we thought it was time to shoot some video. Thanks to Candi for finding the right time last night to do the shooting!

Apr 232008
My Cellular Phone History

From left to right: Motorola 120e, Motorola V557, Blackberry 8100 Pearl, Blackberry 8300 Curve. I have heard that the old 120e actually had a GPS capability on it. Simply amazing. I will admit that I can’t possibly imagine going back to a phone that doesn’t have a full-sized keyboard anymore. I got the Pearl just […]

Apr 222008
The "stray cat mother" and her kids progress...

Well after a few days in a clean room, being well-fed, using a litter box, and not being harassed by the outside world, the “Kujo Mother” doesn’t seem to stink nearly as much! I’m relieved to find out that I don’t need any shots for the many bites and scratches I received -just a regiment […]

Nov 052007
How could a stapler make me so happy?

I’ve been slowly getting my life together lately with special thanks to David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” audio book. I have to say, after using Franklin-Covey for so many years, I had no idea how much I was missing! Anyways, while getting my home office up and productive again, I decided to buy a nice […]

Mar 132007
R.I.P. Richard Jeni...

The idea that a comedian can suffer from clinical and severe depression just seems amazing to me but I now know that just because you don’t lay in bed all day or act “blue” doesn’t meen you’re not depressed. Richard Jeni was one of my favorite comedians –I could nearly quote most all of his […]

Feb 112007
My custom laptop car mount

Well after seeing these guys selling their products on eBay, I figured I could do better. First of all, I realized that they were just using normal 3/4″ steel pipe. But I wanted to mount the laptop on the side of the floor and not the bottom. I managed to score some spare thick plexi […]

Feb 072007

Man, had I forgotten just how much I loved this song as a kid. The musical layers are just amazing to listen to -even now. I didn’t realize that this was a fairly big video on MTV in the beginning of the network. I also didn’t realize that the lead singer looked so much like […]

Feb 042007
Cassie - Me and U

Don’t get me wrong, I’m far from a fan of modern “hip hop” music. I find most of it devoid of real musical talent or originality. I have noticed a trend towards what I would call “minimalism” when it domes to the production lately and this tune kind of takes the cake for it. but […]

Jan 272007
V.A.S.T - Nude (2004)... One of the greatest albums I missed!

Just got lucky enough to listen to a little internet radio on Live 365 while I haven’t used my laptop for playing MP3’s at work much these days. Came across the amazing band VAST and was impressed from the beginning. To me, it sounds like a hard version of U2 but then again I’ve only […]