Jun 272005
No updates for a terribly long time!! sorry friends.

I’ve been busier than a one-armed painter with an itch these days it seems. I’ve actually got a LOT I want to write about here but just haven’t had the time to sit down and bang it out. For those of you who are “worried” about me ’cause I haven’t put much up here recently […]

Apr 142005

Well things have been very busy recently. I wish I could put a finger on what started all this but I’m not exactly worried about it. I DO know that it will not be this way forever -or even that much longer. I’m still gearing up for the launch of my business -with only a […]

Apr 082005
Busy busy busy...

OMG have I been busy lately! I’ve got so much I want to type out here but I’m stuck with that 24 hours in a day thing. To tide some of you over that desperately desire intimate details about things close to and personal to me, here you go…

Mar 312005
Terri Schiavo is dead

I don’t mean to sound harsh or anything but I’m actually encouraged that the “feeding tube to the news media” has finally been pulled by her passing (or so I hope). I had to drive in this morning listening to nothing but commentary about the whole thing -no matter which talk radio station I went […]

Mar 182005

Well I feel compelled to comment here on the song “Left Right” on the latest Chemical Brothers album. It was a collaboration with rapper, and Mos Def’s little brother, Anwar Superstar. Some have already commented online about how this full-on rap track is somewhat “off kilter” from the rest of the album. I don’t think […]

Mar 182005
The Chemical Brothers - Push The Button (2005)

Just got this new album from an “old friend” of a band of mine! I swear I’ve been listening to it back to back all day today. Finally I had to force myself to stop and go listen to something else! This has got to be their finest work yet. As an electronic music fan, […]

Mar 072005

Saturday was an especially hard day for me. I spent the entire day at home -and mostly alone at home. Being home, there’s a lot here to remind me of my cats that are now gone. Places where they used to sleep, spots on the couch where I would sit to watch TV and they’d […]

Mar 032005

I just learned some very interesting information about the concept of “Technicolor” as a coloring process. According to this article, the process of coloring via Technicolor technology (used from the mid 30’s through the 50’s) is a process of actually taking 3 images of each frame thanks to a prism in the camera. The 3 […]

Mar 032005
R.I.P. "Snowy" 2000 to 03-02-2005

Well the hits keep on coming. I am convinced that I’m just numb right now. Then again, anytime someone asks me about how I’m doing I just break down. But in the mean time, I feel just numb. I’ve had to take 3 of my 4 cats to the vet since Saturday to be put […]

Mar 012005

I find it very interesting that a tiger had to be put down this past week -considering I just had to put down two of my beloved cats this past weekend. Am I sad about it? You bet. I hurt terribly. But then I hear about this shameful “vigil” conducted in the name of the […]

Mar 012005

Losing my two youngest cats… It’s something I’m finding I’m a bit ambivalent about. They did add a LOT of hassle to my life, besides spraying in just about every room of the house at one time or another. They kept me awake when I needed to sleep, forced me to keep the door closed […]

Feb 272005
More photos of Bear and Dipstick...

Bear and Dipstick were brothers. They were nearly inseparable their entire life. They ran together outside, played together, fought each other, slept with each other, and eventually were infected with the same fatal disease. But while on this earth, they sure had fun! Here’s some pictures of them as they were…

Feb 272005
R.I.P. "Bear" 06-21-2004 to 02-27-2005

Well today was even harder than yesterday. We had been hoping that Bear would pull through this illness but his condition started deteriorating rapidly and we decided we had to take him in this afternoon. He was also put down for the same condition. Needless to say, we are a very sad family right now […]