Jan 102005
Some reviews as of late...

Watched Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events this past week and was just thrilled with it. Sadly, it hasn’t gotten that much of a positive review by people that have read the books. It turns out that the movie is a total bastardization of the original books. Many reviewers are furious with the original […]

Jan 102005

I’m sooo excited about my new web hosting service! They finally transferred all my data from my old plan (so all my pics and web pages are back) but under this new plan I’ll be able to have more control over the web content. I’ll be able to prevent “hotlinking” of my data to sites […]

Jan 082005

Ever wake up more tired than when you laid down to sleep? I sure have lately. I can at least remember one instance this past week when this happened to me and remembered that I was dreaming a lot that night. It’s almost like I was so “involved” in my dream that, although I was […]

Jan 082005

Well I called my hosting service and asked for “.htaccess” services and they offered to “migrate” me to another hosting plan that would offer what I needed. It sounded good but what they didn’t tell me was that I would be offline for a few days while they transfer my files to new tower servers.  […]

Jan 042005
So Much for sunny Southern California!

It’s been raining like crazy the past week. I’ve heard that we’ve already received more rain than we usually get all year! This morning it all turned to snow and ice in the Antelope Valley. Here’s a shot of my drive on San Francisquito Canyon road: Pretty scary drive considering the road conditions!

Jan 042005
My company bought me a digital camera!!!!!

I think this was meant to be a late Christmas gift (and they won’t be doing a Christmas bonus this year). Since I had to sell my Canon A70 this past year when I fell on hard times, I guess they knew that I wanted one and didn’t have one yet. I have to say […]

Jan 032005
Some musical discoveries of mine as of late...

Started listening to to Mr. Bungle recently: Mr. Bungle – Discovolante (1995) Mr. Bungle – California (1999) It was described to me as “circus music and death metal combined”. I thought they were joking but they weren’t! The funny thing is that it WORKS! -at least for me. I almost immediately spotted the lead singer […]

Jan 032005
musical memories...

I recently got the complete Queen discography but hadn’t listened to much of it yet. Well this weekend, I broke out the tracts and started listening to some of those great albums I grew up with over the years. Queen – The Miricle (1989) I first got this tape just before going to college in […]

Jan 032005

Well this past week was another round of learning experiences for me. I’m thinking of working on computers again in my business -but more so as a suppliment to the main work. I am working out a form of a business where I sell myself as a “maintenance agreement plan” to potential clients and businesses. […]

Jan 032005

Oh my god was it awful driving in to work today. Nearly 3 hours. I think I averaged 5 mph through the whole Santa Clarita Valley…ug. Now I REALLY want to get my business going! Anyways, the rain is preventing me from going for my daily speed walk down here for lunch which is good […]

Dec 202004

I’m still up above 215. As of this morning, I weighed in at 217. But I know that it’s still not a bad situation. I DID go to at least 2 parties this weekend (where…uh…food…it was served). I also haven’t changed my diet yet. On a good note, this past Friday while walking, I realized […]

Dec 172004

Sometimes, when I sit back and think about the business I’m planning on starting, I get scared. I am afraid the skills I’m offering people aren’t developed enough to be worthwhile to anyone. I’m afraid I don’t have what it takes to make it. I fear I don’t have the discipline to stay to the […]

Dec 162004

I hear about it almost every day in some form or another… “He got off because he was rich and could afford a better lawyer” “The rich get better medial care than the rest of us. That isn’t right!” “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” “There’s an increasing gap between the have […]

Dec 162004
my teeth hurt… ug

I took a day off of work yesterday to go to the dentist. Wound up staying home and talking on the phone all afternoon trying to get my medical and dental benefits corrected. Didn’t even get to go to the dentist after all. Looks like I’ll be unable to see the dentist until this coming […]

Dec 152004

I’ve had a toothache since last night and it managed to keep me up almost all night long. I had to get up and put oragel on the the tooth just about every 1-2 hours. I didn’t actually get any decent sleep until the morning. I’m going to have to see the dentist today (if […]

Dec 142004
I’m gaining weight!!!

Up to 217 now. And I walked for my entire lunch hour yesterday. I had an accelerated heart rate and the sweat and everything! Oh well. Maybe I’m just building muscle at the moment. Well at least I KNOW what’s going on with my body instead of not caring. I DO care now -and I’m […]

Dec 142004

My bosses DID agree to let me work only 4-10’s on a trial basis but it won’t start until this Friday since that is when the pay period begins. In addition, holiday days will only count for 8 hours to be fair to the other employees. I found out yesterday that I CAN hack a […]

Dec 132004

I was asked to perform a song this past weekend for a graduation ceremony for people completing a very difficult program for treatment of chemical addictions. I tried to put together a “band” performance but wasn’t able to get the people and the rehearsals in enough time to make it happen so I decided to […]

Dec 132004

Turns out that what I thought was a gradual loss of weight in a fairly quick period of time, was actually my scale slowly getting out of calibration! When I managed to gain almost 2 lbs in one day (after hardly eating and exercising) I found out that my wife had re-calibrated the scale that […]

Dec 132004

Well I had an appointment with a landscape designer this Saturday to do about 4 hours of work for him (at a fairly nice pay rate) in the hopes of developing some more business (which is still in the works). I was already driving to his office when I decided to call and let him […]

Dec 112004

Well it was looing good for a couple of days there and then today I’m actually over 215 lbs (by 0.5). I didn’t eat dinner last night, and walked for 40 min. straight through my lunch hour. I drank a lot of fluids and had two apples and a banana for lunch. Here’s where I […]