Dec 102004
What a nice day!

The weather in Van Nuys was just wonderful today. I’d only make it perfect with some serious cloud cover -but that’s just me. After the cold spell we’ve had here in Southern Cali, getting back to the 80’s during the day in mid-December is nice. I went for a walk for lunch (part of my […]

Dec 102004
The Soldier's Night Before Christmas

Taken from This poem has been circulating the web for a few years now and has been attributed to several false authors. In reality, it was written by James M. Schmidt, who was a Lance Corporal stationed in Washington, D.C. in 1986. This poem reached quite a large amount of praise on it’s own […]

Dec 092004

Well I finally got around to putting the data in an Excel worksheet and setup the chart for the next year and 1 month. You can check it out here: MY WEIGHT LOSS PLAN I’m going to update the data on a nearly daily basis to measure the progress. The “Projected Weight” slope is derived […]

Dec 082004
Another interesting shot...

I took this shot out of sheer amazement. This was a box of gravel taken from the demolition of my brick and concrete barbecue I did this summer. A little rain these past few days and look what you get! I didn’t even realize there was suitable soil in that box (other than dust and […]

Dec 082004
Thoughts 'n stuff for a Wednesday night...

Well it’s looking like I’m going to be approved for working 4-10’s as my work schedule. That means that I’ll be working from 7am – 6pm. This means that I’ll be leaving for work at 5am and getting home at 8pm. That’s a 15 hour day!!!! Well the idea is that I’ll be able to […]

Dec 072004
Pearl Harbor Day…

It’s always a little hard to visit these emotions for me. I normally will not even think about it today. I’ll try and not listen to the news or the TV talk about the anniversary of America’s first major attack on her own soil from a foreign force. Even if I wasn’t there, my dad […]

Dec 062004

What was intended to be a meeting about retirement planning turned out to be a pretty helpful talk about getting me off my butt and start my business NOW! For the record, here are some of the things I took away from that meeting: 1) $3,000,000.00 That’s what I need to manage to save in […]

Dec 062004

Well I pulled out the bathroom scale and wiped the dust off (and misc. other things) and managed to step on to it this past weekend for the first time in about a year. I am now a full 215 lbs. at 5′-5″ tall. That’s a 15 lb. gain from last year. I’m so depressed […]

Dec 032004

I think that God is sending me more signals this past week. I was approached by a company to do some document scanning and digitizing. They want their office to be “paperless” and need electronic versions of their forms and the like. I also have been listening to the news about the Robert Blake trial. […]

Dec 032004

Well let’s see here… I’ve got 3 computers to rebuild starting this evening and panning out to tomorrow morning. I have a DMV appointment in the morning around 8-9am. I have a retirement planning meeting at 10. Then I get to start some side work for a landscape architect doing some drafting at noon. That […]

Dec 022004

I soo wish it was Friday. I’m tired like it was Friday, why can’t it be Friday!? Candi is going to be gone all Saturday and I was looking forward to an entire day of vegging and now it looks like it’s going to be jam-packed with work. Isn’t this December? I’ve got a meeting […]

Nov 302004

It dipped below 20 degrees last night! That’s cold for Southern California. My pipes froze in the master bedroom and had to take a shower in the guest bathroom this morning. A friend turned me on to this hilarious website I think I’m going to try and make a new image for their collection! […]

Nov 292004

So I’m driving to church on a Sunday night around 4pm and I manage to get stuck in the flow of people coming back to LA from their Thanksgiving weekend vacations. It was a looooong row of SUV’s as far as the eye could see! An occasional RV was in the mix as well but […]

Nov 292004
Random thoughts and news...

Man it’s cold! I heard it got down to the 20’s here in town last night. Glad we now have a furnace in the house! This would have been a horrible night to survive if all we had were 3 electric space heaters (like we had the past 2 winters). Found a couple new albums […]

Nov 292004

Today I am 34. Can’t say I’m happy about it. How do I tryly feel about it? I feel “behind”. Now I know that there are a vast majority of people around me that would be quite happy to be where I’m at at this point but I can’t say I feel good about it […]

Nov 242004

I’m still weeping like a baby when I play this album! I can’t stop playing it and I can’t stop crying. I thought I might get “cried out” or something after yesterday but I was wrong. I’m pretty sure it’s their mystical melodies and production but their lyrics are also hard-hitting. This will be an […]

Nov 242004

Even though I woke up late (was planning on catching the train to avoid the pre-Thanksgiving Day traffic) it has turned out to be a perfect work day once again. My boss had me on a rush job that has to be completed my Monday morning (and no one will be here the rest of […]

Nov 232004

So I’ve been commuting for a good portion of this past year from Rosamond to Van Nuys (that’s around 130 miles a day). I tried to take the train but that would mean getting on the train at 5:15am and getting home at 7:30pm for a full day’s work [no thank you]. Then a land […]

Nov 232004

Well, I have 70 pounds to lose last time I checked. I am 5′-5″ and weigh around 205. I should weigh around 135-145. So my plan is to shoot for losing 1.5 lbs. every week. I plan on doing this through several things (none of which are set in stone yet): 1. no more eating […]

Nov 232004

Started reading the Business Plan Bible from Start-up Malta this past week. I’ve realized that it’s a very similar document to a resume -only 100 times more work to prepare. Considering the fact that I have helped literally hundreds of people write and improve their resumes, I felt right at home reading much of the […]

Nov 222004

I finally got around to buying some fruit from a couple of ladies in their pickup truck around the corner from my job. $2 for one or $5 for three. Not too bad. I’ll find out tonight if I spent my money well. It sure looks funny on my desk.

Nov 222004
Fun in Palm Springs (and the ride home)

Candi and I had a great time in Palm Springs for our annual Married’s Retreat as the Antelope Valley church joined up with the North Region, Central Region, and a couple others from the Los Angeles church to make a pretty large turnout. Got to see some old friends and catch up on how they’re […]

Nov 182004

Richard Clarke: Straight talking on terror I found this to be a fairly interesting and funny article. Here’s the best part: Q: Are governments looking at using cyberwarfare on other countries? A: Oh yes. One thing I know that the United States did before the war was to use the Internet to communicate directly with […]

Nov 182004
U2′s new album is ‘da bomb!!!!

I recently got an advanced copy of U2’s new release “How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb”. I must be busy ’cause I sat on the disk for a couple of days before getting around to listening to it. U2 has got to be one of my most favorite bands and for me to not cling […]