Life In General

Sep 082004

The three day weekend wasn’t that helpful. It just meant more things to try and get done before going back to work. Did manage to get SOME stuff done. The new regrigerator is now set back in place where it belongs -after much cutting and cussing. I’ve got at least one workstation built and tested for the shop. I sure do hope that this client doesn’t just cut and run for taking so long to get the work done. Still waiting on the router for him…

I do love my laptop. It’s soooo nice having that kind of horsepower around wherever you go. Just installed my very own hardware DSL router with VPN abilities. Not a bad device for $30! I’m in heaven!! No more server running all day and night just to share the internet and run DHCP services. No more stress everytime I have to shut down my server for maintenance or testing. I even got rid of the 12-port hub in the bedroom that would hum all night from the cooling fan I installed. So I guess life is good in some ways…

I guess I’m just hoping that this job ends soon so I can get back to a “normal” life -such as it is. I have put sooooo much off just to get the work done that I’m no longer sure if I want to own my own business.

Aug 312004

I talked things through with Candi and did a lot of thinking about the situation with this side business I’m trying to pull off and I think I’m going to have a talk with the client tonight and see what they’re willing to put up with to save a buck or two. I mean I may actually be able to pull off doing what they want but it won’t be that soon and they’ll have to spend a good amount of money on software they probably never had to pay for before. If he doesn’t want to go through with it I’ll see if I can find someone else to do the job (for a lot more $$). If he still wants to work with me we’ll have to talk about schedule and software purchases. Personally I don’t know what he’s going to do considering the fact that I wasn’t expecting him to even go with my asking price to begin with!

Had a great night last night and now am well rested (such as it is). Wanted to take the train but didn’t feel like getting up and running to the station at 4:45 in the morning to sleep in a chair instead of my bed!

I love my laptop 🙂

Aug 302004

Sleep. Sleeeep. Sleeeeeeeeeep! When will I ever get any? I now see just how much I over-commited myself doing this wedding and the side job I’m now smack-dab in the middle of. The client is pissed off ’cause all his customer information was tied into Quickbooks that is now sitting in a hard drive on a shelf in my shop. I’ve got so many problems getting Server 2003 working that I’m not ready to deliver the server so I’ve got to get a workstation to him in the next couple of days so he can continue contacting customers but I don’t know if I can get Quickbooks running on that box in a standalone format. He also hasn’t provided the CD’s for the network version of QB he claims to be using! Even his accountant has verified the software he SHOULD have but I haven’t seen it.

I’m really starting to stress out about this and am afraid I made a big mistake taking on all this work without considering if I am ready to carry it out in a decent amount of time. Candi is suggesting that I think about if I want to even finish the job! She may be right. I hope not though. It would mean losing a lot of money and time for nothing. God I hope she’s wrong -not that she is that often!

Aug 272004

With about 6 hours sleep in the last 3 days, I managed to get a full day’s work in and then manage the wedding rehearsal tonight. I even survived the rehearsal dinner (all for the free food). It’s really pathetic what I’ll do for free food. I’m definitely going to do a lot of sleeping tonight. Got the wedding to run tomorrow. Now to bring the dual 17″ monitors or the 21″…hmmm. I don’t know if I want to go back to 17″ monitors any more. Looks like I’ll be losing some weight tomorrow afternoon!!

Managed to get the newer version of Server 2003 tonight so I’ll be rebuilding another server here pretty soon. It’s always a sacry thing for me considering the fact that there will definitely be a few hours (or even days) when I won’t have the Internet running at my home! What will I do?!

I’ve still got to complete the wedding CD for tomorrow. Looks like I won’t be sleeping just yet…

Aug 272004

Why do I never get any? About 2 hours last night. I’m never doing another wedding when they don’t get the schedule and song list until the last couple of days beforehand. If I don’t get the list at least a week out, I’m not doing it! Thank God I have a laptop now so I don’t need to have a perfected CD to bring to the rehearsal tonight. It sure is nice to be that portable. I also realized last night just how much faster a decent (and new) CD drive helps with CD ripping. I think the new CD drive I for for about $25 at the Pomona show ripped 2-3 CD’s for every 1 ripped on my new laptop. I can see now how it’s the speed of the drive WAAAAY more than the speed of the system (CPU, RAM, bus speed, ect). Thank God for Red Bull!

Aug 252004

Well I think I only got about 2-3 hours sleep last night. Late to work again. At least I went and got replacemet tires for the car and made that the excuse. I think I’m not even going to stay late tonight as I just don’t think there’s anything else left to give. Tried that Red Bull drink this morning and I think it did it’s job of keeping me awake through the morning but it sure does taste awful! Blaaaah!!!

The laptop does weigh a ton but I did manage to find a backpack that will hold everything I need to carry PERFECTLY -and only $14!! Got to show off the new laptop to the crew at work too and that was cool.

Sounds like there are more packages waiting for me at home tonight so I think I won’t be getting that much sleep tonight either. I still have to continue working on Dan’s computers and get remote desktop working before I had it all over to him. I’m worried that I won’t have enough time to get it all done in a decent amount of time and still have a life. I think this was all a big mistake now. Oh well. Got to get it done to get the $$!!!

I just pray I make it through the weekend…

Aug 242004

Managed to stay late at work last night and didn’t get into town ’till 8pm. Just in time for the end of my leaders group meeting. I managed to stay back after Candi went home so I could talk with Lathan about how life is going. He managed to talk me into working on his computer for a while…

Back at home, I installed the rear security door now that I have the right fasteners for the house. I decided not to install the front door ’cause it was alredy 12:30!! Also did manage to get the laptop unpacked and tested. Looks awesome!!!!! I can’t wait to start working on this beast. I did have to wipe it and start loading XP-pro since XP-home doesn’t have most of the networking features I need for my work. I started the OS load this morning on my way out to work!

No sleep for the wicked I guess…

Aug 232004

Not much sleeping and lots of working -and it doesn’t even seem like we got a lot done! We got our new cell phones, new security doors (that I need to get a special tool to install), our referigerator arrived from Lowe’s and had that installed, and we got new door knobs for the security doors (two of which I have to take back tomorrow since they didn’t have locks with them). Oh well. Church was cool and Chemical Recovery went even better with some new/old blood their to work on and some great talks about politics afterwards with Frank and Luke (I just love that stuff).

The olympics are just captivating -and that’s not good when they run at the time they do at my house! I’m never going to get a decent night sleep until they’re over. On top of that, Candi got a new game for her computer that is keeping us both up late playing it!!!! I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever grow up without having kids around…

I started wroking on my first “real” side job for Dan Sanchez this weekend and I’m still a little unsure of myself and my ability to get the job done in a decent amout of time without sacrificing too much family time in the process. No sleep coming from that either!

Talking to Dave last Friday afternoon was pretty good since he helped me see that I wasn’t working towards any PLAN in my business -jus responding to any opportunity that comes my way from time to time. Not good if you’re going to get anywhere or know when to say “no”. I’ve got to get some time on the train this week to get my head straight about all of this…

Aug 192004

I don’t know why I don’t go to bed at a regular time…
Well maybe I do. But I just can’t do it. I am struggling to stay awake this afternoon and I still have to write an estimate for tonight on the way home and be a good and serving husband for my wife. I don’t know how I’m going to pull it all off. God help me please!

Aug 192004

Woke up late again this morning. I think that the cold does it for me. I sould program a thermostat to warm up my bedroom 30min before I need to wake up just so I don’t have a chill. Or maybe I just need to be disciplined and not so self-serving! Traffic actually wasn’t that bad this morning though -yaay!!!

Got my new hard drive bracket last night from California PC thanx to eBay (only $25). Sooo happy it was black. I didn’t remember if I was specific on what color I wanted. I was afraid I was going to have to paint it once I got it. I’ll post some pics when I can borrow a digicam again. Now all my components are black -yaaaaaay!!! All my hard drives are now cooled correctly. I’m going to leave the system on all day today to see how hot everything is tonight when I get home. Considering the house doesn’t have AC, it should be a pretty good (albeit a little scary) test for me. Now it’s time to start customizing the new power supply and data cables!

I also won a little computer terminal on eBay for $5 that should be shipped in the next couple of days. That will probably be my next project (if I ever complete my boom box system)… I just never can complete one project without starting two more! I sure hope I get a new digicam soon so I can document all the progress.

Aug 182004

I don’t know if I’m going to have the time to keep this up to date but I’m sure going to try. I can manage to get so busy that whole weeks will fly by and I didn’t even notice. Still haven’t done a lot of customizations to the layout but I plan to in the near future… Also need to add some kitten pics too!