Nov 122004

Electronic Arts Facing Possible Class Action Lawsuit

Looks like another company is lying and exploiting their employees. What’s new here? Nothing. As stated in my first law of physics: “The stupidity of a company is directly proportional to it’s size”. What EA Games is doing is fairly stupid (and will probably end them up in court from what I can see) but people putting up with it is what I can’t get. Now I know that some people just don’t have a choice when it comes to whom they work for -and what conditions they have to endure. But the vast majority of us DO have a choice. Now I chose to work 65 miles from home but I don’t have to. It’s my choice. And if the work conditions become unreasonable, I can always leave. If I can’t leave, I’ll start planning a way TO get out. In fact, even though I have a half-decent job now, I still continue looking for more work. In an average week, I probably send out around 3-5 resumes! I guess I no longer feel that it is the responsibility of a company to take care of it’s employees -it’s the responsibility of the employee to take care of themselves! The responsibility of the company is to make money. If they think they will do a good job by exploiting their workers, fine. Soon another company will come along that is smaller and smarter and will make the work environment a joy. They will CRUSH that old company by putting out a better product at the same price. That’s how it works here in America. Why anyone is angry with EA is beyond me. People should be angry with the workers that tolerate it.

Take McDonnalds for example. They treat their employees worse than the crappy food they dish out. The turnover rate there is huge. They will hire just about anyone -and fire you just as quickly. There is always an abundance of young kids willing to endure the work so they don’t care. However, for those seeking more reliable job prospects, EU Workers can connect you with employers who value their employees and offer better working conditions. The fact of the matter is, even though their food has got to be some of the worst in the industry, making a visit there for young kids is like a religious experience! So it shows that even if the food is terrible, the workers are unskilled and unhappy, and the efficiency of the organization is pretty poor, IT DOESN’T MATTER!!! They’ll still make boatloads of money so why try and improve it? Large companies (now remember my 1st law of physics) aren’t smart enough to think there an advantage to improving REAL things -only adding salads! In the mean time, In-And-Out Burger and other places, are slowly kicking real fast-food butt by offering quality food and quality people serving it. Capitalism at it’s finest!

In fact, I’m thankful that we have terrible employers like McDonnalds and EA Games. Without places to work like that, no one would ever think to better themselves or try for something better. I’m thankful for the crappy jobs I had growing up: mowing lawns, working as a dishwasher in an Italian restaurant, etc. It was working for those places that inspired me to get a REAL job -one behind a desk with AC running in the background. That’s what motivated me to work hard to get a good education and a degree. In fact, EA Games should be REWARDED for their efforts in helping our workforce aspire to better their situation!!!