Well as it turns out, I wasn’t the only one missing those 3 hours of time each day lost driving to and from work. Eventhough I was already “planning my escape”, one of the key people at my office was doing the same thing! It was decided that our office would split in two and go from a single office in Van Nuys to an office in Torrance and and office in Acton. Praise be to GOD in heaven!!! Now my drive is a dreamy 30 min from home to desk with little to no traffic most of the time. We actually have windows now –and there’s something worth looking at outside. We have hills, trees, horses strutting by and all. It’s more like a “retreat” than an actual work environment. I got upgraded from CRT screens to LCD finally so when we actually get the building completely setup, I’ll have a LOT more desk space to work with. In the mean time, here’s a shot of my new workstation area…
Dec 052006